Twinkle Twinkle Little Star............
HERE WE ARE AGAIN and another month has passed. Where does the time go? Once again there is a New Moon to talk about astrologically and Skybar22 is onhand to talk about it and how it relates to Clay's astrological chart. Every time I read her contributions here I marvel at the amount of knowledge she has gained over the years. I'm still struggling to understand the terms!
I usually do a genealogy segment along with a segment on Clay, my other "hobby." This month though I'm going to talk a little bit about my descendants, instead of my ancestors.

I finally realized that while one is never too young to experience the phenomenon of the Aiken, such introductions should be well thought out and planned in order to create the foundation for a life long love experience.
(Translation: I have to sneakily get her hooked before her father, my Son-in-Law, finds out that his CA obsessed enthusiastic mother-in-law has brought his daughter over to the dark side.)
So I have thus crafted a deliberate and careful plan for Addison’s entry into the Fandom.

My biggest challenges, however, are to remove the preprogrammed songs “Oh Susanna” and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” with the new songs from Clay’s upcoming CD.
I’ll start with Here You Come Again because its Dolly roots are closer to “Oh Susanna” than say, Right Here Waiting and I think my son in law will be less apt to notice the substitution right off the bat.
Once that is accomplished I think substituting 1000 Days for Twinkle Twinkle Little Star is a shoo in. After all, they both have the star imagery thing going.

It has gone fairly well.
She knows that she and Clay have a lot in common.
He used to wear his hair spiky just like her,

But now he has a new hairdo

and he doesn’t bite his toenails anymore.

Next time I think I’ll try a few more of Clay’s new CD songs on her. I think she’s a little tired of Itsy Bitsy Spider anyway.
Until next time,
(aka Grandma)

The sign’s characteristics are: analytical, discriminating, critical, detail oriented and hard working to name a few. Virgo rules digestion and that includes digestion of information. Virgos love to gather the facts and organize things.
There is a natural progression of energy in the zodiac. The zodiacal year begins in March with a cardinal fire sign, Aries. It moves through a fixed earth sign, Taurus and then spring season ends with a mutable air sign, Gemini. The summer solstice begins with a cardinal water sign, Cancer, moves through a fixed fire sign, Leo and ends with the mutable earth sign of Virgo. As the autumnal equinox begins we enter the cardinal air sign of Libra, move into the fixed water sign of Scorpio and end the fall with the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius. Finally we begin the winter solstice with the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn, move into the fixed air sign of Aquarius and end the year with the mutable water sign of Pisces. Notice that each element is represented at the beginning of each season, in the middle of each season and at the end of each season. This is known as the Tropical Zodiac.
Mutable signs always come at the end of each season. They are signs of integration and adaptability. People with an abundance of mutable energy find ways to adapt their life experiences and figure out ways to integrate these experiences into their circumstances.
In Gemini, an air sign, this adaptable energy operates through thinking and communicating.
In Virgo, an earth sign, it operates through organizing and categorizing experiences.
In Sagittarius it operates through seeing the larger picture and expanding ones awareness to include more and more of the whole of experience.
In Pisces it operates through removing boundaries and transcending conflicts.
There is always the negative side to these energies as well. Geminis can scatter themselves and become a “Jack of all trades” and a master of none. Virgos can be so discriminating and picky that they avoid life’s joy and spend their time worrying about everything. Sagittarians can take on more than they can handle and have to scale things down. Pisceans can escape into illusion and are susceptible to drugs and alcohol.
This lunation begins with the following planets still in the fire sign of Leo: Mercury, Venus and Saturn. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, the three outermost planets are all still retrograde and Pluto goes direct in Sagittarius on September 4th right before the full moon, lunar eclipse. The ancient astrologers believed that the solar and lunar eclipses foreshadowed major negative events on earth. I don’t see things that way and will spend some time discussing this phenomenon at another time. Eclipses are part of the natural process of the solar/lunar cycle. They can be significant if they occur on a sensitive point in an individual’s chart.
Clay and This Lunation

As the month begins, there are 4 planets in fire signs. It is always good for Clay to have emphasis on fire since he has so much of it. The slow moving trine from Saturn in Leo, as mentioned before, continues to provide stability for Clay's continued success and development. Saturn is the grounding force and it helps to establish a solid foundation. It's a serious energy and a maturing one as well. As the month moves on, planets move from the fire sign of Leo to the earth sign of Virgo which adds more grounding and some challenges to Clay's Sagittarian energy. Squares also provide the motivating force to take action.
Looking at midnight EST on September 19th, there are many interesting aspects which activate Clay's natal chart.
Transiting Venus conjuncts natal Saturn and they trine his Capricorn midheaven. This is very positive and constructive energy. The Midheaven is at the very top of a person's chart and begins the 10th house which is associated with one's career. Saturn rules Capricorn and naturally trines his midheaven.
Keywords for this: Hard work brings success.
The transiting Moon conjuncts transiting Saturn at 20 degrees of Leo trining his natal Mercury /Mars in Sagittarius. This repeats the theme with Saturn's energy being doubly significant and indicating a steady flow of success. This Moon /Saturn conjunction is also trining transiting Pluto suggesting an element of power developing over time. Whenever Saturn is involved, we are dealing with the organic process of grounded development based on lessons learned throughout life. Saturn is the teacher, the karmic teacher in fact and when there are trines involved, Saturn generally brings the rewards for a job well done. It is not surprising or unexpected like Uranus, but rather steady and determined.
There is, however, much more to this mix of energy on September 19th which bodes well for Clay.
Jupiter is conjunct Uranus and transiting Uranus is trining that conjunction. Although this is not yet exact it does suggest a developing process which will be freeing and positive for all contractual relationships/partnerships in the future.
Additionally, transiting Neptune is moving through his 11th house of hopes and goals trining natal Pluto in his sixth house of work and service. This is also a slow moving developmental process. Remember we are looking at the birthing of a new project, a new CD. It's more than an initial impact I am focusing on but rather a developing process and this looks good. With the Sun in Virgo moving past the squares to all of his Sagittarian energy, and with Mars and Mercury in Libra making sextiles to Sagittarius, all moving through his 6th house, the indication is that hard work will really pay off for him as he promotes this new project to the world and gives it life. Once again, Uranus is still retrograde squaring those Sagittarian planets giving this all an element of the unexpected for Clay and for us.
In summary, I really like what I am seeing for this CD release date. It suggests to me a steady and long term process developing with a boost of major expansion in December and for the entire year of 2007. I generally don't make predictions but if I were a person who did, I would predict a steady and good start and even better sales coming in the future. This one looks to have legs! Get ready for a whole new phase of this man's career.
Coming soon...Jupiter in Sagittarius. Stay tuned.
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Clay Aiken,
Census Records